Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Noblis is turning data problems into data solutions by harnessing the power of high-performance computing, AI and ML

We help agencies transform into data-driven organizations by providing end-to-end, rapid analytics and AI/ML capabilities to build proactive systems and develop actionable insights. We help clients make sense of their data to solve mission-critical problems and identify their greatest cyber, physical and biological threats.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Field Guide for Public Sector Enterprises

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Artificial Intelligence: A field guide for public sector enterprises, first editionThe federal government and industry alike are investing heavily in artificial intelligence (AI), harnessing the computational ability to learn and mimic the cognitive functions of humans capable of deriving insights at scale—key to our nation’s digital dominance. Many organizations are unsure how to best use their data to power their mission, enable effective and rapid decision-making and ensure the digital fluency of their workforce. This Field Guide shares the challenges and benefits and provides practical guidance and best practices for public sector organizations seeking to adopt AI within their enterprise.

Noblis Core Areas of Expertise

Machine Learning & AI

Building intelligent and predictive systems, tools, and processes

Hybrid HPC

Designing custom HPC applications for complex data challenges

Bioinformatics & Genomics

Turning genomic data into actionable information

Decision Science

Helping clients plan, recalibrate, and optimize investment portfolios

digital brain, machine learning

Identity & Behavioral Analytics

Synthesizing visual, DOMEX, biometric, and behavior data

Cyber Analytics

Detecting network anomalies and providing front-line defense

Transportation & Smart Cities

Building connected and resilient digital ecosystems

Healthcare Analytics 

Using population patterns to predict and solve healthcare challenges

Our Offerings

Noblis applies deep machine learning, applied mathematics, and artificial intelligence logic to create predictive analytics and visualization capabilities that enhance the ability of human analysts.

Noblis helps clients detect anomalies within their network by utilizing data science and machine intelligence. Our solutions provide a front line defense against threat from both insiders and external adversaries, and have been applied to networks scaling hundreds of thousands of users.

Noblis rapid gene detection capability is backed by a team of subject matter experts in the areas of bioinformatics, data science, microbiology, and software development that work in concert. We pair our domain expertise with community-developed open source applications and in-house genomic analysis tools to  produce advanced bioinformatic analysis in a variety of domains. Our tools run on high performance computing architecture and excel at analyzing very large datasets, such as next-generation sequencing reads.

Our data visualization experts work at the intersection of big data storytelling and design. We help clients make sense of their data, including large volumes of free-text data, and produce compelling data experiences that provide value to all levels of an organization.

We help clients apply decision science across their investment portfolio to drive critical budget and pricing decisions. In addition to subject matter expertise, we apply advanced analytic tools and methodologies to provide insights on areas of growth, potential improvement, and cost savings to ensure our clients get the most return on their mission investments.

Noblis has a history of serving IC members such as the FBI and DHS in a wide range of multimedia processing pursuits.  This support has included the creation of strategic roadmaps related to video analytics as well as the development, integration, and deployment of operational tools providing automated analytics, Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX), and reporting capabilities.  Noblis actively interfaces with other IC partners and contributors to develop, test, evaluate, and integrate cutting-edge research algorithms in domains such as unconstrained face recognition, video summarization, and foreign language analysis into operational systems minimizing the time from basic research to actionable operational intelligence products.

Noblis combines fraud analysis and insider threat domain expertise, robust cyber and big data capabilities, and proprietary analytical tools to detect and thwart fraud. We apply machine learning to automate fraud detection, and continuously improve the time to detect and remediate fraudulent activity.

Noblis is on the forefront of using machine learning technology to analyze surveillance data to identify and report surveillances automation anomalies that can be used to mitigate safety risks.

Canonical Data Modeling (CDM) reduces the cost of systems integration by appropriately balancing the demands of standardization and exibility. We do more than connect enterprises; we enable data understanding. Our approach expands the science of CDM from a design pattern to a capability, complete with implementation guidance, feedback loops, governance, and processes. This enables clients to build on our models and reduce future costs.

Want to learn more? Download our full capability brief here.

Why Noblis?

Noblis is helping the federal government integrate the power of AI/ML and analytics into their missions. We are an end-to-end partner helping to code, test and run custom programs that make large data sets more understandable for rapid mission critical decision-making. Our domain expertise in data science, network security, mathematics and HPC makes us exceptionally qualified to develop custom cutting-edge technologies and strategic plans for our customers. Our approach ties domain expertise with robust HPC platforms offering a level and range of power rarely found outside of federal laboratories and academic systems. That’s why we are an ideal partner for integrating new solutions into business processes quickly, efficiently and securely.