Welcome to BioPortal, a comprehensive resource for exploring cutting-edge bioinformatics research and tools from Noblis, a nonprofit science and technology company.
BioPortal is your starting point for turning genomic data into actionable information. We are science and technology experts that combine multi-disciplinary teams with high-performance computing power to solve our client’s most pressing bioinformatics challenges.
Noblis is a nonprofit dedicated to serving the public interest by investing internal research and development funds to build capabilities and tools intended to advance the state of the art and science. BioPortal showcases current life science research that we’re conducting to address the future of bioinformatics challenges, as well as the tools we’ve created to provide solutions. Prepare to meet the next generation of bioinformatics with Noblis, your dedicated partner in solving life science challenges in the public interest.
Noblis encourages dialog and commentary. Talk to us.