Noblis Data Visualization Solution Identifies at-risk COVID-19 Communities for Virginia Datathon Challenge

Noblis participated in the annual Virginia Datathon for the second year in a row

Noblis has a robust high-performance computing infrastructure and significant data science and data visualization expertise. The company also has a unique research-driven culture where each year they fund projects initiated by its scientists and technical experts that create new intellectual capital and capabilities to help solve the critical problems facing our nation. Applying this expertise and expanding beyond the company’s work with government clients, Noblis participated in the annual Virginia Datathon for the second year in a row.

The purpose of this Datathon is to explore and identify open data assets supporting solutions that deliver outcomes positively impacting communities across the Commonwealth. The theme for the 2020 Virginia Datathon was “Communities and COVID-19 – exploring the multi-faceted effect of COVID-19 and contrasting community experiences with what solutions can mitigate the impact of another crisis and ultimately aid Virginia’s recovery.” The Noblis team in their submission examined the challenges to Virginia’s communities to the diverse vulnerabilities caused by COVID-19 outcomes. The Noblis approach involved using data visualization that the Commonwealth and its communities could use to identify specific requirements. It included creating a demographic score for each county based on risk factors; identifying highest risk counties for negative COVID-19 outcomes; and using the information for preparedness, response and recovery.

Watch the video below to hear our team talk about the event and their solution.
