Innovating Beyond Boundaries for the Best of Reasons

A mobile smartphone shows in the foreground facing upwards with a 3-d model of a city floating over the screen. The phone hovers above a background image of web development code.

25-Year Legacy of Innovation

Noblis is a transformational partner to the federal government, committed to enriching lives and making our nation safer by investing in the missions of today and tomorrow. As a nonprofit organization, we combine objectivity and innovation with the most advanced science, technology and engineering to solve complex national challenges that help advance our customers’ most critical missions.
animated ad showing fast moving traffic on a complex highway with the words "a traffic system that can talk its way out of a jam" then the screen changes to the words "just another way we are innovating beyond boundaries." The Noblis logo comes into view at the end.

The Spark of Innovation: Spotlight on Autonomy

Our Vehicle-to-Everything research integrates wireless communications for vehicles, pedestrians and roadway infrastructure for swifter and safer travel.
  • Challenge: Autonomous technologies have the potential to transform our national transportation infrastructure. But how will the possibilities now in the prototyping stage be integrated into mainstream operations?
  • Solution: Noblis’ Autonomous Systems Research Center is developing systems that allow autonomous machines to self-organize at scale and build mechanisms of trust to optimize the interactions of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians on our roadways.
  • Impact: Noblis’ autonomy experts design solutions to advance the U.S. Intelligent Transportation System’s safety, efficiency, equity and sustainability goals.
  • Other Potential Applications: Noblis’ advances in autonomous systems and machine self-organization already show promise for freight, logistics and unmanned air and sea fleet applications.

Discover more ways that Noblis is applying autonomous systems to solve essential challenges:

Autonomous Systems Capabilities and Research

Noblis is integrating autonomous machines in the spaces they share with each other – and with humans.

Impact: Allows autonomous machines to advance from single-purpose, isolated actors into scalable, self-organizing solutions.

Learn More


Learn More The Noblis autonomy concept orchestrates the motions and actions of unfamiliar, connected, and autonomous machines, resulting in systems of autonomous machines are safer, more productive, and more equitable.


Learn More Noblis was awarded a patent for a system that collectively optimizes cooperative actions among autonomous connected machines. This system allows ad-hoc collections of nearby machines to independently plan motion paths and earn trust from other machines by consistently carrying out those plans.

Why Noblis

Research & Development for the Best of Reasons

Noblis’ labs and research centers are at the heart of our work. They provide a place for our interdisciplinary teams to explore and develop the disruptive capabilities, breakthrough innovations and transformative scientific discoveries that fuel the technological and engineering solutions we deliver today and anticipate for tomorrow across the civil, defense, homeland security, intelligence, space and health missions we serve.

woman in VR glasses touching a screen with an image of a digital engine and specs.
small image of roadways and moving vehicles

Investing in the Future

From improving the safety and efficiency of next generation automated and wirelessly connected vehicles, to the development of autonomous machine teams to execute dangerous and delicate recon missions, Noblis’ research has lasting mission impacts. Through the Noblis Sponsored Research program, we employ an enterprise-wide ideation process to develop and invest in possibilities, using our own time and funding to transform novel ideas and inventions into practical, sustainable solutions that increase mission performance and efficiency.

Collaborating for Lasting Impacts

We work together as one team collaborating on multiple technologies, domains and missions across our organization. In addition, as an innovation gateway, we purposely engage with industry, the research community and our customers to solve the most unique and critical challenges.

three people, two men and a woman, planning in front of a whiteboard

Innovate With Us

CAREERS CAREERS Innovation is Our Common Thread.
CAREERS Innovation is Our Common Thread. Our employees drive our innovations and represent some of the most collaborative, passionate and brightest minds in today’s most critical fields. Ready to join us? Full Profile
VENTURES VENTURES Investing in the best ideas...
VENTURES Investing in the best ideas... For the best of reasons. Noblis invests in early-stage, deep-tech startups to foster dual-use technologies that advance national interests and anticipate mission needs. Full Profile
SMALL BUSINESS SMALL BUSINESS A mindset of collaboration.
SMALL BUSINESS A mindset of collaboration. Noblis prioritizes collaboration with small businesses because we recognize them as a source of creativity and innovation, an engine of job creation and a key to the growth of our nation’s economy. Full Profile

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