RunGrants® with Noblis

Federal agency program managers (PMs) overseeing the grants management lifecycle face growing challenges from multiple directions.
Agency PMs need a simpler, automated and user-friendly grants solution for submitting and tracking grant applications. Legacy processes can create challenges leaving a need for:
- Cost-effective tools to automate and streamline the process
- Data analytics to validate decisions, as budgets face heavy scrutiny and agencies must be ready to share and defend outcomes
- Increased return on investment and tangible ways to show and continuously improve it
- Cloud-based capabilities to meet evolving modernization milestones and easily access and share data as needed
For more than a decade, Noblis has been helping to automate the federal grants lifecycle.
This expertise translates to a cloud-based solution designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders—grantees, program officers, reviewers, managers and leadership. What’s more, Noblis’ RunGrantsTM solution solution empowers agencies to collect, evaluate and award grants applications using an automated, streamlined process to show the value and priority for every grant.
Noblis’ RunGrants automates the process of grants management to empower users and optimize results.
Noblis’ grants solution gives managers and agency leadership more time to dive deep into the insight of every aspect of the grants process for better awareness and decision making. Noblis’ RunGrants is:
Automated – Delivers speed and accuracy improvements while reducing the need for management intervention.
Standards-Based – Consolidates data for greater interoperability and support for modernization goals
Flexible – A low-code framework to easily customize for workflows, reports and functionality that matches each agency’s unique environment.
Data Driven – Gives managers and agency leadership deep insight into every aspect of the grants process for better awareness and decision making.
Cost-Effective – Software-as-a-Service model means predictable costs, regular maintenance and improvements that keep up with evolving demands and a streamlined acquisition process.
Noblis’ RunGrants solution has capabilities and features to meet your agency and mission needs.
As the demands on grants programs grow, agencies must balance expectations to continuously improve speed, accountability, user experience and, of course, ongoing costs. To help with this, and empower users and optimize results, Noblis has brought a fresh new approach to grants management.
Accelerate the Lifecycle with a Streamlined Workflow
Optimize efficiency by automating workflow within a single comprehensive solution.
Empower Better Decisions and Unlock Critical insights
Reach new levels of visibility at every stage of the process.
Built For Federal and Matched for the Mission
Exceed federal compliance, security and classification requirements with flexibility and scalability.