
Advancing the Overall Understanding of COVID-19 Transmission and Evolution

Noblis is elucidating SARS-CoV-2 evolution and the emergence of clinically important variants through innovative approaches to rapidly analyze data from whole genome sequencing.

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has highlighted biosurveillance, public health, logistics and computational challenges. The extent of genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in circulation, and ...
The Noblis Response to COVID-19

Doing what’s right and what works to serve the public good during a pandemic.

At Noblis, we are committed to making positive, lasting impacts on our clients’ most critical missions. Our responses to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic reflect our devotion to that mission. As an independent, ...
DOWNLOAD: Integrating Diverse Life Sciences Data to Provide Actionable Insight
Noblis Capabilities for Responding to COVID-19: Integrating Diverse Life Sciences Data to Provide Actionable Insight The rapid spread of COVID-19 has highlighted biosurveillance, public health, logistics and computational challenges. For instance, the emergence of COVID-19 has highlighted a gap in our ability to rapidly integrate, analyze and use diverse ...
RESEARCH: Noblis Orchestrated Autonomy Concept
The Noblis autonomy concept orchestrates the motions and actions of unfamiliar, connected and autonomous machines. With this concept, systems of autonomous machines are safer, more productive and more equitable.
The system enables nearby connected machines to share situational awareness of obstacles and threats projected over time. It allows them to ...