Ethics and Compliance

illustration of a compass

Doing What’s Right. Doing What Works.

At Noblis, our objectivity is our hallmark. As a nonprofit organization committed to working in the public interest, Noblis is unique. When we sit down to solve a problem, there are no strings attached to our thinking. We have no commercial interests to advance, no vendor alliances to protect and no sponsors to represent. We are free to focus on what matters most—finding solutions that work.

We pride ourselves on best practices for both organizational conflicts of interest and personal conflicts of interest, ranging from how we select the projects and business relationships we enter, to how we handle business courtesies and other professional activities. These best practices are reflected in our policies and procedures, which are designed to put the public first in everything we do and to remain impartial as we make recommendations to our customers. We have developed and maintain a robust training program to reinforce our ethical values and practices, and we have the highest level of commitment to ethical behavior from our executive officers and our Board of Trustees.

Noblis Named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies®

Read the Press ReleaseNoblis has been named one of the 2025 World’s Most Ethical Companies® by the Ethisphere Institute. Since 2008, Noblis has been recognized 13 times, and this year is one of only three honorees in the Engineering Services category.

Code of Ethical Conduct

Noblis’ customers and the public deserve nothing less than work that meets the highest standards of excellence, conducted in an environment where objectivity and integrity are the hallmarks.

Noblis employees adhere to a Code of Ethics and Conduct and take very seriously the responsibility to uphold it. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all our business dealings and we have the same expectations for our subcontractors and suppliers. Our Supplier Code of Conduct expresses the expectations we hold for suppliers doing business with Noblis. Both Codes are all about doing what’s right. Business ethics are critical for Noblis’ success, building trust and transparency. In turn, trust and transparency build the right environment for our employees, our partners and our customers. Our work has a significant impact on society, is highly regulated and poses complex questions with often-changing answers. Sometimes it can be difficult to know instinctively the best way to handle a situation. These Codes are designed to help our employees and partners aim higher than just simply complying with the law. Our goal is ethical business practices – running our business in a manner that we can be proud of and that reflects our highest ethical standards.

Contact Us and Learn More

Lauren McGinleyLauren McGinley
General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer

Read Lauren’s bio

Explore Our Interactive Code of Ethics and Conduct

Do you need to report an Ethics & Compliance issue or violation?

We encourage both our employees and our clients to inform us if they feel our Code of Ethics is being violated. Contact our help line at 888-297-4192 or visit

Noblis is certified to ISO’s world-class international standards.

Learn MoreNoblis is certified for quality management, information security management and information technology service management.