Storytelling through Data Visualization for CMS

The greatest works of literature use intentional mixtures of detail and emotion wrapped in story to captivate and guide their audience. Information delivery is no different. Noblis utilizes Human Centered Design (HCD) alongside User Experience (UX) teams to understand our Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) client’s needs and iteratively develops tailored data visualizations and dashboards. Our data engineers and data scientists are experienced in collecting, cataloging, and munging disparate structured and unstructured data artifacts to operationalize them within cloud environments.

The Challenge

CMS has continuously stressed the need to increase information accessibility for Leadership using enterprise-wide data gathering and reporting of strategic initiatives, key business programs, IT continuity, systems information, human capital and more.

Our Approach

Noblis data storytelling experts have developed and successfully deployed a human centered approach to rapidly collect and operationalize information for production visualizations used across CMS. Using HCD, UX, data engineering and visualization development tightly coupled with agile operations, our solution is easily scaled and seamlessly embraces user and product owner feedback within each phase of the process.