Publications & Presentations
Noblis employees are passionate about our disciplines and it shows in our publications and presentations of research and thought leadership. We research, write, publish, share ideas and thought leadership and thrive on the application of our expertise. Our motivation is internal and mission-oriented; it stems from a desire to excel and realize results.
Nathan Clark, Jirius Abdallah, Cassandra Sperow, Lisa Miller, Ayesha Shaheen; “Towards Improved Patch Embeddings for Geospatial Vision Transformers,” presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting, Dec. 2024.
Nathaniel (Nat) J. Fuller, Ph.D., “The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity. What Does This Really Mean?”, page 18, Fall 2024, Service Contractor Magazine.
Justin Taylor, “Applying machine learning and statistical models to low-cost aerosol sensors for anomaly detection,” European Aerosol Conference, presentation and poster and DTRA Chemical and Biological Defense S&T Conference, presentation, 2024.
Haley Townsend, PMP, SSM, data scientist at Noblis, with co-authors Cetin Mecit from Old Dominion University and Kaan Ozbay from New York University; published a 2024 NHCP research report: A roadmap for “Implementing Machine Learning at State Departments of Transportation.”
Matthew Kersting and Ajay Patrikar, “Condition-based maintenance using unsupervised time-series anomaly detection“, presented at the Fleet Maintenance & Modernization Symposium, September 2023.
Noblis, “Artificial Intelligence Field Guide for Public Sector Enterprises“, first edition, published in June 2023.
Andrew Dudash, Noblis; “Mobile Robot Dispersion in Continuous Space,” presented at the 2024 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), Dec. 2024.
Andrew Dudash, Scott James, Ryan Rubel, “Multi-Agent Team Access Monitoring,” research paper presented at the Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference, April 2024; and poster presented at the International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems, December 4-5, 2023, Boston University. View the poster PDF.
Ryan Rubel, Nathan Clark, Andrew Dudash; “SurfaceAug: Toward Versatile, Multimodally Consistent Ground Truth Sampling,” submitted to the 2024 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; accepted at 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), still awaiting publication.
Ryan Rubel, Andrew Dudash, Mohammad Goli, James O’Hara, Karl Wunderlich; “Automated Multimodal Data Annotation via Calibration With Indoor Positioning System,” accepted to the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, presented on December 12, 2023, preprint available on arXiv:
Contributor(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Transportation Research Board; National Cooperative Highway Research Program; Meenakshy Vasudevan; James O’Hara; Haley Townsend; Sampson Asare; Syihan Muhammad; Kaan Ozbay; Di Yang; Jingqin Gao; Abdullah Kurkcu; Fan Zuo, “Algorithms to Convert Basic Safety Messages into Traffic Measures“, published in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Annual Report, 2022.
A. Hudak, S. James and R. Raheb; “Impact of Communication Path Loss to Unmanned Aircraft Swarm Coherency”, paper presented at ICNS Conference, April 20-22, 2021.
Karl Wunderlich, Ph.D.; “Earned Trust, Priority And The Multi-Machine Maneuver Transaction”; presentation for the Mobility and Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) Innovation Lecture Series, November 2020.
Karl Wunderlich, Ph.D., Andrew Dudash, David White, James O’Hara, Thomas Mitchell, “Pieces of 8 (Po8) Orchestrated Autonomy Concept: Robot Derby Demonstration”, presented in Munich, Germany as part of the MOBI Grand Challenge, sponsored by the MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative) and TIoTA (Trusted IoT Alliance), February 15, 2019.
Matt Spurlin, environmental scientist (Noblis); co-authored “Leveraging Hydrogeologic-Based Data—Reduce, Repurpose, Reimagine,” journal Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, July 2024.
Saif Sadeq, LEED AP, LFA, Principal, Sustainability & Building Performance, Noblis; “GSA tool can help green building professionals with decarbonization goals“, published on, August 2023.
Dr. Mark Stapleton, Senior Environmental Remediation Engineer (Noblis); co-authored “Leveraging Sequence Stratigraphy to Accelerate Site Remediation: Pliocene Citronelle Formation, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, USA“, journal Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, July 2023.
Stapleton, JM. “Applications of Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS) to Remediation Design and Optimization,” presented at the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Best Practices and Recent Technical Advances in Site Characterization and Conceptual Site Model Development at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters in Washington D.C., May 16, 2023.
DNA mixture
- Hicklin RA, Richetelli N, Emerick BL, Bever RA, Davoren JM (2023). Variation in Assessments of Suitability and Number of Contributors for DNA Mixtures. Forensic Science International: Genetics. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- Noblis. (2023). “DNAmix 2021 Archive.” (open access)
- Brinkac LM, Richetelli N, Davoren JM, Bever RA, Hicklin RA, (2023) “DNAmix 2021: Laboratory policies, procedures, and casework scenarios summary and dataset”, Data in Brief 48(109150), 2023. (open access)
- Noblis, “Laboratory Policies, Procedures, and Casework Scenario Decisions Relevant to DNA Mixture Interpretation: Data from the DNAmix 2021 Study,” OSF, 2023. (open access)
Latent print examination
Evaluations of latent print examiners
- Busey TA, Heise N, Hicklin RA, Ulery BT, Buscaglia J. “Characterizing missed identifications and errors in latent fingerprint comparisons using eye-tracking data.” PLOS ONE 16(5): e0251674, 2021. (open access)
- Hicklin RA, Ulery BT, Ausdemore M, Buscaglia J. “Why do latent fingerprint examiners differ in their conclusions?” Forensic Science International 320, Nov 2020. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- Hicklin RA, Ulery BT, Busey TA, Roberts MA, Buscaglia J. “Gaze behavior and cognitive states during fingerprint target group localization.” Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2019 4:12. (open access)
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Roberts MA, Buscaglia J. “Factors associated with latent fingerprint exclusion determinations.” Forensic Science International, 275:65-75, June 2017. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Roberts MA, Buscaglia J. “Data on the interexaminer variation of minutia markup on latent fingerprints.” Data in Brief, 8: 158–190, September 2016. (open access)
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Roberts MA, Buscaglia J. “Interexaminer variation of minutia markup on latent fingerprints.” Forensic Science International, 264:89-99, July 2016. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Roberts MA, Buscaglia J. “Changes in latent fingerprint examiners’ markup between Analysis and Comparison.” Forensic Science International 247(2014):54-61; Feb 2015. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Roberts MA, Buscaglia J. “Measuring what latent fingerprint examiners consider sufficient information for individualization determinations.” PLoS ONE 9(11): e110179, Nov 2014. (open access)
- Hicklin RA, Ulery BT, Buscaglia J, Roberts MA. (2014). “In response to Haber and Haber, ‘Experimental results of fingerprint comparison validity and reliability: A review and critical analysis.’” Science & Justice, 54(5), 390–391. (accepted manuscript)
- Hicklin RA, Ulery BT, Buscaglia J, Roberts MA. (2014). “Annex to R.A. Hicklin, et al., In response to Haber and Haber, ‘Experimental results of fingerprint comparison validity and reliability: A review and critical analysis’ — Detailed list of errors.” Science & Justice.
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Kiebuzinski GI, Buscaglia J, Roberts MA. “Understanding the sufficiency of information for latent fingerprint value determinations”; Forensic Science International 230(1-3):99-106; July 2013. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- “Black Box Latent Print Examiner Repeatability and Reproducibility” (Public dataset). OSF.
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Buscaglia J, Roberts MA. “Repeatability and Reproducibility of Decisions by Latent Fingerprint Examiners”; PLoS ONE 7(3), March 2012. (open access)
- “Black Box Latent Print Examiner” (Public dataset). OSF.
- Ulery BT, Hicklin RA, Buscaglia J, Roberts MA. “Accuracy and Reliability of Forensic Latent Fingerprint Decisions”; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(19), April 2011.
Latent print quality
- Kalka ND, Beachler M, Hicklin RA. “LQMetric: A Latent Fingerprint Quality Metric for Predicting AFIS Performance and Assessing the Value of Latent Fingerprints.” Journal of Forensic Identification 70(4) 443-463, Oct 2020. (local download)
- Kalka ND, Hicklin RA. “On relative distortion in fingerprint comparison.” Forensic Science International 244(2014), 78-84, Nov 2014. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- Hicklin RA, Buscaglia J, Roberts MA. “Assessing the Clarity of Friction Ridge Impressions”; Forensic Science International 226(1-3):106-17; March 2013. (paid access; accepted manuscript)
- Hicklin RA, et al; “Latent Fingerprint Quality: A Survey of Examiners”; Journal of Forensic Identification 61(4), July 2011. (local download)
Latent print casework metrics
- Kiebuzinski GI, Hicklin RA, Taylor M. “Making a Case for Effective Latent Print Casework Metrics.” IDentification News, 47(2):12-13, Spring 2017. (local download)
Latent print specifications
- Chapman WJ, Hicklin RA, Kiebuzinski GI, Komarinski PD, Mayer-Splain J, Taylor M, Wallner R. “Latent Interoperability Transmission Specification”; NIST Special Publication 1152, January 2013. (open access)
- Chapman WJ, Hicklin RA, Kiebuzinski GI, Komarinski PD, Mayer-Splain J, Taylor M, Wallner R. “Markup Instructions for Extended Friction Ridge Features”; NIST Special Publication 1151, January 2013. (open access)
- Chapman WJ, Hicklin RA, Kiebuzinski GI, Komarinski PD, Mayer-Splain J, Taylor M, Wallner R. “Extended Feature Set Profile Specification”; NIST Special Publication 1134, January 2013. (open access)
Latent print identification system evaluations
- Indovina M, Dvornychenko V, Hicklin RA, Kiebuzinski GI. “ELFT‐EFS Evaluation of Latent Fingerprint Technologies: Extended Feature Sets, Evaluation #2.” NIST Interagency Report 7859, May 2012. (open access)
- Indovina M, Hicklin RA, Kiebuzinski GI; “ELFT‐EFS Evaluation of Latent Fingerprint Technologies: Extended Feature Sets, Evaluation #1”; NIST Interagency Report 7775, March 2011. (open access)
Firearms examination
- Hicklin RA, Parks CL, Dunagan KM, Emerick BL, Richetelli N, Chapman WJ, Taylor M, Thompson RM. (2024). “Accuracy and Reproducibility of Bullet Comparison Decisions by Forensic Examiners.” Forensic Science International, 365(112287). (paid access).
Footwear examination
- Hicklin RA, McVicker BC, Parks C, LeMay J, Richetelli N, Smith M, Buscaglia J, Schwartz Perlman R, Peters EM, Eckenrode BA. “Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Repeatability of Forensic Footwear Examiner Decisions.” Forensic Science International, 339(111418), 2022. (paid access; local download)
- McVicker BC, Parks C, LeMay J, Eckenrode BA, Hicklin RA. “A Method for Characterizing Questioned Footwear Impression Quality.” Journal of Forensic Identification 71 (3), 2021, 205-216. (local download)
Handwriting examination
- Hicklin RA, Eisenhart L, Richetelli N, Belcastro P, Burkes TM, Smith M, Buscaglia J, Perlman RS, Peters EM. (2022) “Reply to Kukucka: Calculating error rates in forensic handwriting examiner decisions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(52), e2217508119. (open access)
- Hicklin RA, Eisenhart L, Richetelli N, Miller MD, Belcastro P, Burkes TM, Parks C, Smith M, Buscaglia J, Peters EM, Perlman RS, Abonamah JV, Eckenrode BA. “Accuracy and Reliability of Forensic Handwriting Comparisons.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (32) e2119944119, 2022. (open access)
Tire examination
- Richetelli N, LeMay J, Dunagan KM, Parks CL, Hicklin RA, Chapman WJ (2024). “Accuracy and Reproducibility of Forensic Tire Examination Decisions.” Forensic Science International, 358(1112009). (paid access)
Bloodstain pattern analysis
- Hicklin RA, Winer KR, Kish PE, Parks CL, Chapman W, Dunagan K, Richetelli N, Epstein EG, Ausdemore MA, Busey TA. “Accuracy and Reproducibility of Conclusions by Forensic Bloodstain Pattern Analysts” Forensic Science International 2021, 110856, ISSN 0379-0738. (open access)
- Noblis, “Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Black Box Study Dataset”. OSF, 2020. (open access)
Forensic science (general)
- Chapman WJ, Hicklin RA, Taylor M. “Beginners Guide to Biometric and Forensic Science Human Subjects Research Protections.” NIST Special Publication 1289, January 2023. (open access)
- Hicklin RA, Kiebuzinski GI, Taylor M. “Best practices in the collection and use of biometric and forensic datasets.” NIST Interagency Report 8361, March 2021. (open access)
Facial recognition
- Kalka ND, Duncan J, Dawson J, Otto C, “IARPA Janus Benchmark Multi-Domain Face”, in Proc of IEEE Conference on Biometrics, Theory, Applications, and Systems, 2019.
- Duncan J, Kalka ND, Maze B, Jain A, “End-to-End Protocols and Performance Metrics For Unconstrained Face Recognition”, in Proc of IEEE International Conference on Biometrics, 2019.
- Anderson, Otto C, Maze B, Kalka ND, Duncan J, “Understanding Confounding Factors in Face Detection and Recognition”, in Proc of IEEE International Conference on Biometrics, 2019.
- Kalka ND, Maze B, Duncan J, O’Connor K, Elliott S, Hebert K, Bryan J, Jain AK, “IJB–S: IARPA Janus Surveillance Video Benchmark”, IEEE 9th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Redondo Beach, CA, USA, 2018.
- Maze B, Adams J, Duncan JA, Kalka ND, T. Miller, Otto C, Jain AK, Niggel WT, Cheney J, Grother P, IARPA Janus Benchmark–C: Face Dataset and Protocol, in International Conference on Biometrics, Gold Coast, Australia, 2018.
- Whitelam C, Taborsky E, Blanton A, Maze B, Adams J, Miller T, Kalka ND, Jain AK, Duncan J, Allen KC, Cheney J, Grother P, IARPA Janus Benchmark-B Face Dataset, in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Honolulu, HI, USA, 2017.
- Adams C, Allen KC, Miller T, Kalka ND, Jain AK. “Grouper: Optimizing Crowdsourced Face Annotations”, CVPR, Workshop on Biometrics, June 26, 2016. (open access)
- Blanton A, Allen KC, Miller T, Kalka ND, Jain AK. “A Comparison of Human and Automated Face Verification Accuracy on Unconstrained Image Sets”, CVPR, Workshop on Biometrics, June 26, 2016. (open access)
- Ice J, Narang N, Whitelam C, Kalka ND, Hornak L, Dawson J, Bourlai T. (2012). SWIR Imaging for Facial Image Capture through Tinted Materials, SPIE 8353, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXVIII, 83530S, 2012
- Kalka ND, Bourlai T, Cukic B, Hornak L (2011). Cross-spectral Face Recognition in Heterogeneous Environments: A Case Study on Matching Visible to Short-wave Infrared Imagery, International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Washington, DC, USA, 2011.
- Bourlai T, Kalka N, Cao D, Decann B, Jafri Z, Nicolo F, Whitelam C, Zuo J, Adjeroh D, Cukic B, Dawson J, Hornak L, Ross A, Schmid NA (2011). In: Bhanu, B. et. al. (eds) Distributed Video Sensor Networks, Springer, London, Part 7, 471-478.
- Bourlai T, Kalka N, Ross A, Cukic B, Hornak L (2010). Cross-spectral Face Verification in the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Band, 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010, pp. 1343-1347.
Iris recognition
- Kalka ND, Bartlow N, Cukic B, Ross A. “A Preliminary Study on Identifying Sensors from Iris Images,” Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Conference, (Boston, USA), June 2015. (open access)
- Kalka ND, Zuo J, Schmid NA, Cukic B. (2010). Estimating and Fusing Quality Factors for Iris Biometric Images, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol 40(3), pp. 509-524.
- Kalka ND, Bartlow N, Cukic B, “An automated method for predicting iris segmentation failures”, in Proc of IEEE Conference on Biometrics, Theory, Applications, and Systems, 2009.
- Bartlow N, Kalka ND, Cukic B, Ross A (2007). Protecting Iris Images through Asymmetric Digital Watermarking, of 5th IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies (AutoID), Alghero, Italy, pp. 191-197.
- Zuo J, Kalka ND, Schmid NA (2006). A Robust Iris Procedure for Unconstrained Subject Presentation, in Proc. Biometrics Consortium Conf., Baltimore, Maryland. September 19-21.
Shanna Ratnesar-Shumate, Ph.D. and Justin Taylor, Ph.D. Noblis; “Aerosol Science of Infectious Diseases: What We Learned and What We Still Need to Know Based on Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic“, poster presented at the 24th Congress of the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM), October 2-6, 2023.
Daniel Antonio Negrón, Nicholas Tolli, Stephanie Guertin, Suzanne Wollen-Roberts, Shane Mitchell, Jared Haas, Katharine Jennings, Bradley Abramson, Lauren Brinkac, David Ashford. “Clade-Specific MPXV PCR Assays“, published on bioRxiv, August 2023.
Older publications, presentations, posters and case studies related to Noblis’ life sciences work and research can be found on