Noblis Receives U.S. Patent for SNP Analysis and Genome Sequencing System and Methods

Innovative algorithm powers BioVelocity®, Noblis’ DNA alignment tool

RESTON, VA.—April 24, 2019—Noblis, Inc., a leading provider of science, technology, and strategy solutions, announces today the award of U.S. patent 10,191,929, “Systems and Methods for SNP Analysis and Genome Sequencing.” Noblis’ new system and methods make it easier, quicker, and more efficient to conduct a variety of advanced bioinformatic analyses, including SNP calling, metagenomic analysis, and conserved and signature sequence detection.

Noblis’ patented technology is the basis of BioVelocity®, a DNA alignment bioinformatics tool. Using a fast and accurate hashing algorithm, BioVelocity indexes billions of nucleotides across tens of thousands of references, or more and aligns reads to a set of references. This index is then used to align “one-to-many” read files.

This advancement is particularly impactful as genomic sequencing becomes increasingly less expensive and outputs continue to increase. Thus, there is a heightened need for data analysis to quickly and efficiently process genomic data.

“Noblis is proud that our proactive investment in genomic research, high performance computing, and data analytics has led to our patented BioVelocity technology, an industry leading tool that has made a tangible impact on the public heath and national security priorities of our federal clients,” Chris Barnett, Noblis Chief Technology Officer, said.

“Bioinformatics research will continue to play a major role in ensuring food safety, preventing disease, and reducing the threat of biological warfare,” Dr. Sterling Thomas, Noblis’ Defense and Homeland Security Chief Scientist, said. “As such, Noblis bioinformatics is dedicated to a steadfast investment in advancing this emerging area of research and development.”

To learn more about Noblis’ BioVelocity tool, as well as the company’s other bioinformatics tools and life science research, visit